MADURAI: Today-September 29th 2024- is World Heart Day. While heart care experts and doctors are sending out healthy awareness messages about prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and the ways to prevent heart attacks, strokes etc, a senior cardiologist from Madurai has puts his attention on one vulnerable group, that is DRIVERS.
Well-known senior interventional cardiologist Dr.A.Mathavan of Dr.Madhavan’s Heart Centre in Madurai steered his heart health campaign in top gear with an appealing message for the drivers since they are becoming prone to heart problems due to multiple reasons especially stress.
“This year we are celebrating the 25th World Heart Day spreading awareness about lifestyle modifications and preventing heart diseases. As a senior cardiologist, I have a message this year, and that is to put our focus on cardiac care for all drivers- be it the bus drivers, cab drivers, lorry drivers etc. Drivers of all vehicles from two-wheelers to big trucks must be screened periodically because cardiac issues not only affects the driver, but also the passengers whose lives are in driver’s hands,”Dr.A.Mathavan had stressed while speaking to reporters at a press meet in Madurai yesterday.
Senior cardiologist Dr.A.Mathavan has appealed to the authorities and vehicle owners to take care of their drivers from the heart point also.
“Driving for long periods of time can be stressful and can increase the risk of heart problems. Drivers should take regular breaks for adequate rest, they should stay hydrated. Distracted driving must be avoided, drivers should be aware of any symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath or irregular heart beat and medical attention has to be given if they experience any symptoms. Heart checkups, blood pressure checking, cholesterol level monitoring , correct diet are important. We need to know whether drivers are fit for driving and hence owners need to pay attention to drivers’ health. From my personal level, I want to give this message this year as a moral duty. The World Heart Federation has been carrying out lot of awareness programs for heart care with an important point that 90 per cent of heart diseases and stroke cases are preventable,” Dr.A.Mathavan has said and urged the people to follow physical exercises, healthy food habits, less intake of salt, yoga and stress control while making a pointed presentation at the press conference held on September 28th 2024.