Judiciary is not Law Minister’s property, Civil society must save our judges and lawyers: Henri Tiphagne (Part 1)

In Madurai on 11th February 2023.

MADURAI: National level human rights campaigner and founder cum executive director of Madurai based human rights organization People’s Watch Mr.Henri Tiphagne has today made a public appeal to the civil society in India not to be silent because the time has come to uphold the Constitution of India, to protect the independence of judiciary, the institutional integrity in our country’s judicial system and set right all the aberrations that are hampering the free functioning of judiciary in India.

“A collective effort by our civil society, our intellectuals, our legal fraternity and our judiciary is needed to have a Constitutional morality in place. Judiciary is not Law Minister’s property. We should have a system to uphold the Constitution. Independence of judiciary, institutional integrity for our judiciary and judges appointments for courts, rectifying the problems in collegium procedure and a public consultative process for appointment of judges for our courts in India is needed. It is time to set right the aberrations and judges appointment process and it is also the duty of our national judiciary to evolve a mechanism for implementing the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct 2001-2002 that were framed after lot of discussion and deliberation. The PUCL should take it as a national level campaign and involve the general public to save our judiciary from the magistrate level to Supreme Court judge,” Mr.Henri Tiphagne has appealed in his address at the PUCL (People’s Union for Civil Liberties) meeting organised in Madurai on February 11th 2023 on the topic of judiciary independence.

Among those who spoke at today’s PUCL meeting in Madurai include senior advocate Mr.S.Vanchinathan, PUCL State general secretary Mr.A.John Vincent, academician and PUCL district president Prof.Dr.S.Krishnaswamy, PUCL senior voice at State level Mr.Sankaralingam and PUCL national secretary Prof.Dr.R.Murali.

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